Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Avery Little League Hits Full Swing This Weekend

Following a successful opening weekend two weeks ago, Avery County Little League starts its full slate of regular season action this Friday afternoon with games at Sherrill Rominger Field as well as the other fields of the Hodge Turbyfill Complex.

Rockies v. Yankees will open up Friday's action at Rominger Field, with Astros v. Twins to follow. Indians v. Marlins will be played first in Hybrid League Softball, with Royals v. Marlins scheduled in Major League Softball on Friday. A full slate of games are scheduled for Saturday at the Complex.

The full schedule of games for the season, as well as League news and updates can also be accessed through the league’s Blog site at or its hotline at 733-3591.

Over 300 children representing a total of 23 teams spanning divisions from Tee Ball to Major League Baseball and Softball will take part in this coming season.

The league is undertaking a number of fund raising efforts this season, most notably the sale of boxes of Vidalia onions as the league hopes to raise funds need to make its annual payment for the field lights encompassing the Turbyfill Complex. Players and teams are selling the onions and those who sale the most will benefit from incentive offers from the league.

The top seller in the league will get a prize package to Pigeon Forge which includes two nights at the Ramada Inn, four tickets to Dollywood, dinner at Old Mill Restaurant, four tickets to Magic Beyond Belief or Smith Family Theater, four tickets to Wonder Works and a gift card to Belz Outlet Mall. The second top individual seller will receive $50, with $25 going to the third place seller. The team that sells the most boxes will earn a pizza party, and individual kids who reach certain target number of sales will also receive individual prizes.

“There is a lot of incentive to sell, but the reality is if the kids can sell enough boxes we can pay the annual payment for the lights at the fields, which is really what we are shooting for,” ACLL President Jerry Moody recently remarked.

The league is also selling sponsorship signs that will be placed at the fields, and is also looking to raise funds to purchase scoreboards for the major league softball and baseball fields, as well as to build a press box at the major league softball field.

Individuals or businesses wishing to purchase signs or contribute toward these projects can contact Moody at 733-8270 or see another board member for details.